起初不以為然,然後慢慢知道他們是遊客(廢話!),正討論如何去尖沙咀之類的話題...後來開始問起我來,作為「主人」(香港人),我當然略帶笑容地解答他們啦! 然後,話題慢慢打開,我向他們推介地方,也沿途介紹了荃灣(!)、葵芳(!)、旺角等地...最後帶他們去海港城shopping(其實我是順路返公司!),臨別影了相,也給了他們我的卡片(著他電郵相片給我)。
Dear Marco,
Hope you are doing well. I, along with my friends (who are copied in this mail) would like to thank you for bringing us to Tsim Tsha Tsui the other day. We barely had an idea of
I would be sending your pics shortly when i upload them from my cam. Appreciate your help. Please do come to
My contact information is provided below, please do keep in touch.
Thanks and Regards,
Wow! 好特別的經歷!
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