Tuesday, August 05, 2008

dream car


V6 引擎


NISSAN FAIRLADY Z33,是我的dream car. 不過說明dream car,是因為我只會在「發夢」的時間才會駕駛,畢竟在香港這地方,3,500 cc的車,根本發揮不到它應有的功能。


Anonymous said...

Your dream car? Very nice : )

藍嬰 said...


Anonymous said...

Very Cool "Dream" Car ... 有夢發也不錯嘛! BTW, I like Toyota Celica. Cheaper : )

向日葵 said...

Oh!!! I saw a FAIRLADY from NISSAN the other day as well, it's nice!! However, I also saw a Lotus in CWB few days ago, it's SO COOL!!!! It's exactly like a racing car with a very low seat as if you are sitting on the ground when you got in the car. It's just SO COOL!!! WOW!!

藍嬰 said...

向日葵,LOTUS 當然也是好東西,不過這類車,是好看不好駕的呢。