Monday, December 13, 2010

Agent of the week

今天公司早會,我與 M 都是 Agent of the week. 被邀出來分享。

時常都希望,每年可以做一次 Agent of the week。慶幸的是,幾年來,都可以保持這目標。


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that. Keep it up! Not just agent of the week, Agent of the Year..... yr MDRT goal too! May God bless your work : )

Anonymous said...

Agent of the week in December is not so great, u should know why I mean. Think BIG!!!! Glad to have once a year? Don't lie to yrself, to show yr confidence, yr capability and yr passion, be the agent of week in Jan 2011!
Big M

藍嬰 said...

Yes! Madam.