Monday, June 30, 2008


歐洲國家盃,終於來到尾聲,決賽竟然是德國 VS 西班牙! 實在是始料不及。

我曾到過德國 3 次,喜歡這地方,喜歡他的文化、喜歡他們的建築、喜歡他們做事的執著...唯一不喜歡的,就是他們的足球隊!

由碧根鮑華年代開始,他們的足球,都是那麼實際、那麼計算。或這是日耳曼民簇的特性,或這特質,在其他方面(工業、金融、教育)都是一件絕好的事,但除了 足球。

在這麼計算以下的足球,有甚麼好看? 足球,應不止於此吧!所以,我是會全力支持西班牙,自1964年以來,再一次捧走歐洲國家盃!

去吧! 鬥牛勇士...


Anonymous said...

I am not an "Espana" Soccer fan, but I do support this football team. And they finally won! In fact, I had a good impression about Barcelona when I travelled to Spain and Portugal 4 years ago. At that time, Euro 2004 was held in Portugal. I had a chance to go to Real Madrid Soccer Stadium and bought a lot of sovenvirs there. I couldn't imagine why I was so crazy at shopping in the Stadium. However, they're not for myself....

藍嬰 said...
