Saturday, June 14, 2008

That's life

“It’s hard to let go, isn’t it?”

“Yes, It is.”

“Well, that’s life, what can I tell you?”


Anonymous said...

Agreed that letting go is not easy. However, it's something we all have to learn in our life. If we don't learn to "let go", it means that we still have a belief that we have the power to solve and change every situation, person or things by ourselves. Let's learn to hand all uncontrollables and unchangeables over to God. It's amazing to see how God works on us differently. In the past, I did have such wonderful experience from God. I also like "Prayer for Serenity" as my guide and would like to share it with you. "God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot chagne, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as a pathway to peace taking..."

Anonymous said...

剪不斷, 理還亂, 若難忘, 心內藏, 也是美

藍嬰 said...



Anonymous said...

It's the first time I have posted my comment on your blog. It's good that you are willing to share your journals to others. In fact, I like reading others' life story selectively.

Yes, you guess right. I just shared with you what I experienced before. It took me 6 months' to "let go".